The Law Firm
of Dr. Dominik Delczyk
Comprehensive legal
The Law Office of Doctor Dominik Delczyk provides comprehensive legal services to business entities, foundations, associations, cooperatives, as well as individuals.
Kancelaria radcy prawnego doktora Dominika Delczyka świadczy kompleksowe usługi prawne na rzecz podmiotów gospodarczych, fundacji, stowarzyszeń, spółdzielni, a także osób indywidualnych.
A fully reliable approach to each case
We are characterized by a reliable approach to each case, attention to contact with the client and flexible working hours enabling contact with a client located in a different time zone.
The Law Firm
of Dr. Dominik Delczyk
The Law Firm of Attorney-at-Law Dr. Dominik Delczyk provides comprehensive legal services to business entities, foundations, associations, cooperatives, as well as to individuals. We are characterized by an individual approach to each case, care for contact with the Client and flexible working hours enabling contact with the Client located in a different time zone. We provide legal services in Polish, English and Spanish. In order to provide our Clients professional assistance in cross-border cases, we cooperate with foreign law firms.
We offer comprehensive legal assistance in all areas of law. Below we indicate examples of areas in which you can benefit from our help.